The fourth-grade team met and reviewed our social studies maps. We took time inputting our information from File maker Pro and then reflected on the past work. We all tweaked it and formatted the map so all units have the same components. We also met with our new co-teacher via Zoom(both at the beginning of the work session and then at the end) to review, reflect and plan in order to strengthen our units and provide a richer experience for our students. Elizabeth added feedback and shared her past successes when teaching 4th-grade social studies as well as her integration of service-learning, projects, and the topic of food literacy.
Tammi and I took a moment to reflect on our work from the past years and noticed many differences from each year. We took the time to highlight the essential questions that resonated with our lessons. We also came up with a global question. This work allowed us to see the common threads, which resulted in us choosing an essential question for the year. Essential Question: How does power influence the rights and experiences of people?
At the end of the work session, we met to review and reflect on each of our work and asked questions. We also strategized and figured out the next steps, such as contacting potential field trip organizations, as well as planning for a summer grant so we can all work together in person.
This day set up our new team for a successful year of planning together as well as allowed us to reexamine our social units.
I love that you were able to take the time to reflect collaboratively and anchor your work in essential questions the resonated with your lessons. What a powerful EQ for the year and I look forward to supporting your work this year in any way that I can. Thank you for sharing the link to the map here as well.