Today's Idea Lab provided the opportunity to clean the slate from academic year '21-'22 and to create a new living document for '22-'23. The goal of the day was to create two documents for 8th grade advisors and 8th grade support staff. One documents is dedicated to the planning of the advisory activities and it's purpose is to also serve as a resource for advisors and administrators. The other document is the sign up/resource for the Special Block times that happen in the first half of the academic year. Both documents are invaluable in the charting of the advisory activities that will take place throughout the year. There will be two new members to the 8th grade advisory team so it is important to provide clarity and invite participation/contributions to the advisory curriculum.
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Reflection Submission Instructions
"How did the learning experience impact you and your practice?"
Posting a reflection after your professional development experience is an important component of professional collaboration. Please share a reflection and include any links or attachments that are helpful for others as well. Categorizing your post will help others find similar topics and please email Fran if you have other suggestions for categories that would be useful. Scroll to the bottom of this page if you need ideas or what to include in your reflection.
Above hit create new post, select the category type. Now you can begin to write your reflection.
You may want to simply copy and paste questions below to post in your reflection.
Your role at Burke's
When did this opportunity take place?
Summary of workshop/​opportunity
Goals & Collaborations:
What were your big takeaways from your workshop or project?
How does what you learned connect to your goals this year?
How might this opportunity lead to collaboration with other faculty?
How does this PD learning or experience impact your work?
6. Would you recommend this opportunity? Why or why not?
7. Attach/add the URL/Website to the post
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Sounds like you were able to create 2 very useful documents as resources regarding the 8th grade program to support the new team members. I hope you and the new team have a great year and am hear to support in any way I can.