The new fourth-grade team met to review the 4B and 4A schedule. We reviewed old schedules and looked at what worked and what did not work, which was helpful in prepping for this year. During this time, we made sure that the minutes met the requirements for math and humanities. We were able to make the minutes between math and language close to one another with math 330 minutes each week and 370 minutes for language arts, not including the library class. We also protected social studies times, giving us 180 minutes each week, which we are excited to use and teach our curriculum.
During this time we also discussed how we would use our prep time as well as how we would collaborate as a new team. We also took time to discuss how teaching social studies would look in our new 4th-grade makeup.
Next, we reviewed what we are going to teach at the beginning of the year for social studies and are excited to start with food literacy and geography.
It was wonderful to work together as a new team and get ourselves organized for the fall!