As a new lead advisor for 6th grade, Jackie and I spent the afternoon collaborating on ideas surrounding the 6th grade advisory program for the 2023-2024 school year. For the first half of the session, I was caught up to speed with the overall scope of how the 6th grade advisory program was ran last year and all of the major events and responsibilities that will happen this year. We spent the last part of the afternoon, talking about new ideas and familiar practicies that could benefit this grade. It was particulary helpful for Jackie to gain insight from me as I have taught and advised this group of students last year. Jackie was also very helpful with all of the knowlege and insight she has about the 6th grade structure. This was very helpful and beneficial and I am feeling more confident about being a co-lead advisor this year!
Below are detailed notes on the things we accomplished today:
1pm- 3:30pm
Review existing sixth grade advisory plan and establish our roles/responsibilities as co-leads.
Jackie shared the plan and outline to Charlee that Susan and Jackie had developed in June.
Advisory Calendar (link from google drive)
Advisory Map (US Doc)
Introduced some big events that typically happen in sixth grade that Advisory supports.
One day this year - Cal Academy of Sciences and team-building games in park
All Day
Need to find chaperones
Making books to Kindergarten
Get feedback from kindergarten teachers
Thank you cards to staff before holidays
Not doing the 1000 paper cranes again this year- could we get sixth graders to start a cause they are passionate about??
Spring Trimester
Take a look at lead advisory duties (that we know of) and start to agree how we can split some of the responsibilities
Room parent communication (Charlee)
Lead advisor meetings (Jackie)
How to lead/split team meeting agendas
Jackie will share lead advisor notes
Preparing for certain events
Parent newsletters
Student created newspaper
Video blog?
Outdoor ed
2:30 - 3:30
We re-evaluated the IFSEL “Rule of Thirds” at our existing plan and continued planning/mapping out the rest of the school year. (Detailed version in US Map)
We developed some of the materials we can use for these bigger activities