During my idea lab morning, I was able to meet with Kelly Shea and Alice Moore to think about our literacy assessments. We began by looking through the responses we received from a poll we sent to lead teachers that informed us what each grade level is using and what they find useful. We noticed some discrepancies and decided it would help to do a fall refresher with teachers to make sure we are administering tests in the same manner as well as to discuss if we should all be using the same running records (TC vs F and P).
We then spent a nice amount of time analyzing the assessment results for our students in K-3 that were taught with the newly adopted TC phonics program. We decided on some ways that would make this analysis easier and plan to ask the teachers to do it in the fall. We also looked for patterns in the assessments as well as analyzing how we were supporting the students that struggled.
Taking the time to look through the results K-3 was super helpful. It gave me a broader understanding of how the implementation is going and thinking about ways we might want to change things in the future.
Julie- this was such an informative meeting for me, too. Let's make sure to follow up and schedule a time for you and Kelly to do the fall refresher. How about 9/27?
Analysis of the assessment results and poll responses is a great way to move forward in an intentional way implementing the phonics program in the upcoming year and I'm glad you had time to do this collaboratively with Kelly and Alice!