For my 3rd Idea Lab day, I met with Cyndera about my first grade fairy tale unit. She has a rich background not only in storytelling but in fairy tales, specifically. I started by giving her the background as to what I've done for the past 2 years (Goldilocks study with multiple spinoffs, incorporation of some other fairy tales too.) We discussed whether I want to continue doing a deep dive into one tale and because of this discussion I decided to do more of a survey of different tales. We discussed many themes and the salient ones were how to enter a new community/following other people's norms (Goldilocks), being a good citizen (Cinderella), literal/metaphorical thinking in re: wolves (Little Red Riding Hood/Boy Who Cried Wolf/3 Little Pigs), gold (Rumplestiltskin, Midas Touch, King's Gold), trickster tales, and community stories, time permitting.
For the second part of the day, I worked on World Read Aloud Day planning. I printed everyone's classroom schedule and and began a spreadsheet noting available/unavailable times. I am waiting to get the student support schedules as well as Angelique's schedule so I can hopefully avoid any conflicts there. I have drafted emails to send to authors/illustrators as well as altered the presentation that was shared with the workshop participants to fit Burke's. I also drafted what I will say during the Sept 6 after school save the date meeting and the longer September 27 information session.
The fairy tale unit sounds amazing! And you are on deck for a 9/6 announcement and a longer session on 9/27. I love your passion, Diana!