During the spring, the Lower School faculty decided that they would like to "readopt" Investigations. Three parts of that process would be:
Revisit the weakness of the program as identified by each team.
Systematically document how we supplement the program to address those needs so that year-to-year, we have resources and ideas for differentiation (Jo Boaler, Context for Learning)
Engage in Professional Development for Investigations and Contexts for Learning to deepen individual teacher math practice.
I used this idea lab time to create a system and standard for documenting the program pacing from grade to grade, specific tools for supplementation, homework, collaboration with specialists, and assessments. I also thought about how we might build in time during the regular school year to keep the system updated. I also researched and planned a PD session for our LS faculty around fact fluency to work on that last bullet point of helping teachers deepen their math practice.
You've done such great work directing this effort and I look forward to the 3 part process and am happy to support in any way I can. If you are able to attach a template or plan for the system and standard for documenting the program, I would love to see that and think that will be very useful in our mapping for sure!