May, Michael, and I met to:
-Establish the importance of consistency, preparedness, and communication because multiple teachers teach each grade
-Share curriculum overview 5th - 8th grade from 2022-2023
-Using the current curriculum as the spine, brainstorm activities and projects for 6th and 7th grades
-Create a 23-34 overview in the Common Curriculum planner. Access will be given once you have Burke’s accounts.
-Create Class Expectations for each grade level
-Develop a broad scope and sequence for 5th, 6th, and 8th grades
-Brief introduction to Blackbaud and met with Dyvar to answer some preliminary questions
From this time spent meeting, I was able to gain a much better understanding of the workings of Burkes. I feel much more integrated into the team and was able to familiarize myself with the standard practices and organizational structure of lesson planning in the math department. Also, I feel much more comfortable and confident about hitting the ground running at the beginning of the school year. I felt that our meeting was very valuable and gave me a good foundation to build upon when we all return for the August retreat.