During the Responsive Classroom workshop I gained a lot of insight into the different approaches to teaching and learning which help focus on academic success and SEL skills. These practices are crucial in a child's development as they support skills such as cooperation, empathy, perseverance and successful academic behaviors. This experience informed my teaching and encouraged me to utilize these practices in my every day teaching. I really enjoyed learning more about the different types of teacher language (envisioning, redirecting, reminding, reinforcing), and knowing how/when to use this language in response to my students can promote connection and a gained sense of understanding between myself and my students. When I am able to reiterate expectations and communicate in clear, consistent ways that are positive in nature and encourage growth, my students may feel heard and respected. The key to responsiveness is leaning into the diversity of my students and supporting each of them individually and as a whole to build community and make academic learning a joyful experience. Something we are constantly striving for at Burke's. Many of the practices I learned are clearly reflected in my lead teachers work in the classroom which helps me develop these skills as I follow in their lead and learn from their example. I also learned about the Responsive Classroom website which has a plethora of great resources for educators to look out. https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/
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Reflection Submission Instructions
"How did the learning experience impact you and your practice?"
Posting a reflection after your professional development experience is an important component of professional collaboration. Please share a reflection and include any links or attachments that are helpful for others as well. Categorizing your post will help others find similar topics and please email Fran if you have other suggestions for categories that would be useful. Scroll to the bottom of this page if you need ideas or what to include in your reflection.
Above hit create new post, select the category type. Now you can begin to write your reflection.
You may want to simply copy and paste questions below to post in your reflection.
Your role at Burke's
When did this opportunity take place?
Summary of workshop/​opportunity
Goals & Collaborations:
What were your big takeaways from your workshop or project?
How does what you learned connect to your goals this year?
How might this opportunity lead to collaboration with other faculty?
How does this PD learning or experience impact your work?
6. Would you recommend this opportunity? Why or why not?
7. Attach/add the URL/Website to the post
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