On August 7th, I attended a webinar which demonstrated the various planning tools available in the MusicPlayOnline.
This link takes you to the notes I took during the webinar:
MusicPlayOnline - The Big Picture: Lesson Planning Made Easy - David Katz
This workshop gave me a good review of the "Lesson Planning" section of MPO. The presenter covered big-picture yearlong preplanning, looking at the variety of music standards choices available, and thinking about which standards you want to focus on in each grade. He showed the standards-by-songs lists, and other features. The rest of the workshop was spent watching a demo of his kids participating in a lesson, and two examples of lessons for specific skills.
Unfortunately, the presenter did not even get into the main tool I based my Grant Request around, the "Lists" feature. When asked, he deferred and suggested I contact him personally later in the year to find out more. After the webinar, I tried to work with "Lists" on my own but the website was having trouble with this specific feature (many on the community facebook were commenting on losing everything they had added/planned. At this point I bailed on the grant work.
I am requesting only 1/2 day of compensation.