Jackie and I spent the day looking at our winter trimester units to identify how we can collaborate in our classes and synchronize our units to support students in both content areas. We outlined our time together as follows:
Compare calendaring from 2022-2023
Compare past student work from Exploravision/ Humanities
End goals
What would we hope students can do by the end of the transdisciplinary unit?
Map skills assessed/required to complete end goal
Timing and Action
Develop a possible shared unit calendar
We successfully mapped out our curriculum units for both nonfiction reading/writing (Hum) and Exploravision (Sci). Students will develop expository reading and writing skills in November/December to help set them up for success as they begin Exploravision in January. Our hope is that students will feel especially motivated knowing that each class is dependent upon each other, especially when sharing their Exploravision research with the school community and the national competition! Our secondary hope is that this kind of transdisciplinary learning shows students the value in practicing and applying rigorous reading/research/writing/speaking skills to any subject, like science topics. We will use a few days in each other's classes to support this. For example, Jackie will use some time in HUM to support their written report submission, while Science time can be used to go over technical vocabulary.
We are looking forward to seeing this plan come to life this winter!
I love the integrated approach to science and HUM and the Exploravision project is such a natural place for this to happen. I am excited to see this plan come to life as well and happy to support in any way I can.😀