During the scheduled time of 10:00am to 4:00pm on June 14 and 9:00am to 1:00pm on June 15, Anthony graciously took the time to share his Spanish curriculum for 6th Grade and 8th Grade with Dawn and me in his classroom. He provided a detailed overview of the themes, content, and assessment plans he implemented with his students from August to June. As newcomers to Burkes, this information was incredibly valuable for Dawn and me. Understanding what other world language teachers are covering each month allows us to align our curriculum with Spanish as closely as possible. This alignment benefits our students, as they can explore similar themes and engage in corresponding projects across different language classes. Anthony's willingness to share his expertise was greatly appreciated, and I gained valuable insights and ideas for topics and projects to implement in 6th and 8th grade next year. I am truly grateful for Anthony's support and guidance.
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Reflection Submission Instructions
"How did the learning experience impact you and your practice?"
Posting a reflection after your professional development experience is an important component of professional collaboration. Please share a reflection and include any links or attachments that are helpful for others as well. Categorizing your post will help others find similar topics and please email Fran if you have other suggestions for categories that would be useful. Scroll to the bottom of this page if you need ideas or what to include in your reflection.
Above hit create new post, select the category type. Now you can begin to write your reflection.
You may want to simply copy and paste questions below to post in your reflection.
Your role at Burke's
When did this opportunity take place?
Summary of workshop/​opportunity
Goals & Collaborations:
What were your big takeaways from your workshop or project?
How does what you learned connect to your goals this year?
How might this opportunity lead to collaboration with other faculty?
How does this PD learning or experience impact your work?
6. Would you recommend this opportunity? Why or why not?
7. Attach/add the URL/Website to the post
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I am glad you had time to map curriculum across the World Languages with Anthony's support and agree that a timeline that aligns topics across the language classrooms would be very beneficial in the student and teacher collaborative experience throughout the year!