This was my 7th year attending PoCC and my 5th year ('12, Houston - '16, Atlanta - '17 Anaheim - '18, Nashville - '19, Seattle - '20, online - '22, San Antonio) and 5th year as an Affinity Group Facilitator for Multiracial People. The training for facilitating happens the day before the conference. I think this year's training with Anita Sanchez was the most personally impactful. I felt pushed to further my accomplice status in my own DEI work and those affinity groups I facilitate. We were asked to think what we would ask other AGs (Black Heritage, AAPI, South Asian Heritage, First Nations Heritage, Greater Middle Eastern Heritage, Latin Heritage and Transracially Adopted) in the hopes of becoming a more inclusive world.
Prompt: Across People of Color Affinity Groups (what are the potential, challenges and opportunities, in building alliances across People of Color affinity groups?
I can confidently say I have built alliances within my own affinity groups, but I have much work to do to build alliances across affinity groups. I'd like to plant this seed at Burke's, as well. I see that in the Upper School affinity group that I facilitate with Anthony Sabedra (Perfectly Mixed/Multiracial AG) there is work being done, such as the poster campaign, to differentiate the groups and to help people decide how to identify themselves. However, since affinity groups have been in existence for a while now in Upper School, what can we do as a unit (across all affinity groups) to improve understanding and relations within the groups to greater impact the greater community? Could we all tackle a service project together or rally together in support or protest a current social issue? I think we could. I think it is in complete alignment with educating, encouraging, and empowering our students.
PoCC has always been a place to "fill the well," and this year not only did this, but has also challenged me to dig deep to find ways to connect us in the important work.