"How did the learning experience impact you and your practice?"
The NAIS Conference gave me the chance to connect with people in a similar role to mine as well as to attend workshops that focused on trends. It was nice to connect with division heads from across the country and share strategies for navigating situations that we have in common. The workshops I attended focused on trends in schools right now and it was validating to see that other schools are navigating challenges similar to ours. Advice focused on being consistent with practices and policies. Special focus was given to best practice in evaluations and student learning accommodations. Additionally, the speech and guidance provided by Nita Farahany about AI and student privacy was fantastic...still looking for a recording of the talk since I forgot to take notes while listening.
Sheena- if you locate that recording, will you share it with me? When you recommended that book, I actually got it on Audible and started listening to it, but have not gotten back to it for some time...
Hope we can go to NAIS together sometime!