My PD opportunity was a sharing session of California Bal-A-Vis-X trainers and practitioners at a studio near Sacramento. I took home so much information it’s still swirling around in my head.
There were new exercises for teaching students that I can use during my introductory lessons. There were details on certain exercises I will add to my current teaching, like making sure the goal for the “V” bounce is a narrow “V”. I also got to be challenged learning multiple high-level exercises, which is the feeling students experience learning new Bal-A-Vis-X exercises.
I’ll be applying the narrow “V” concept when 2nd grade gets to that exercise series. I plan on choosing some new exercises to incorporate into my Bal-A-Vis-X program next year with 1st graders. Grateful to have the many options to make the Bal-A-Vis-X program stronger.